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be-shen face reading immersion

deep analysis of your face map

1 h 30 min
Video Call

immersion description

The purpose of your life is to be undeniably yourself, by combining your unique abilities and divine talents with the wisdom from your life’s experience. be-shen face reading immersion is a transformative experience that guides you to understanding your true nature and activates your spirit and inner glow: your shen. We deeply analyse your face map including energy channels, all features and markings of the face. By discovering your talents + strengths, your inner knowing of truth elevates and brings illumination to your mission in life. Through uncovering past and present health, mental and emotional challenges + patterns you understand yourself and others with clarity. Following the in depth face diagnosis you are given a roadmap with intuitive guidance for optimal emotional, psychological and physical health. At the end of the reading you participate in an individually channelled guided meditation which invites you to tap into and experience your fulfilled authentic self. The duration of this digital reading will last 2 hours and will be held over video call. We want you to be able to access your highest most glorious potential. Therefore be-shen offers a payment plan for this service. Connect with me for a free 20 minutes get to know call. In order to tune into your face and analyze it please send a minimum of 4 pictures after booking your appointment. Please note that all pictures should be taken in daylight, without makeup and with your hair back. Having the photos taken by someone has proven to give better quality face reading pictures than using the selfie camera. We require: • one picture from the front with a neutral face expression meaning without a smile staring straight • one picture from the front smiling or even laughing • one picture from your right side profile staring straight and with the ear visible • one picture from your left side profile staring straight and with the ear visible Feel free to send any additional pictures of parts in your face that you are specifically interested in or just more variations of the pictures mentioned above. Please send all pictures to Set an atmosphere Please choose a quiet room that offers space to sit and also lay down for meditation. You will need a notebook, pen and a cleansing tool like sage, copal, palo santo or any other natural scent aura and space cleanser. A cup of herbal tea and water is recommended.

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