be-shen numerology immersion
deep dive into your numbers chart
immersion description
This immersion offers you a deep dive into your numbers chart (including Life Path number, Destiny number, Expression number, Balance number, Birthday number, Name numbers, Year vibration numbers and Personality numbers). By discovering your talents + strengths, your inner knowing of truth elevates and brings illumination to your mission in life. Through uncovering past and present mental, emotional and physical challenges + patterns you understand yourself and others with clarity. During the in depth illumination of your numbers you are given an individual roadmap with intuitive guidance for a balanced emotional, psychological and physical life. At the end of the reading you receive an individually channelled guided meditation which invites you to tap into and experience your fulfilled authentic self. The goal of this immersive experience is to wake you up to the magic of your own numerological vibration. Join in and let’s learn how to speak numbers! We want you to be able to access your highest most glorious potential. Therefore be-shen offers a payment plan for this service. Set an atmosphere Please choose a quiet room that offers space to sit and also lay down for meditation. You will need a notebook, pen and a cleansing tool like sage, copal, palo santo or any other natural scent aura and space cleanser. A cup of herbal tea and water is recommended. Pre and post be-shen Please be quiet and with yourself 5-10min before the start of the session. After the session it is highly recommend to stay in that space and write down feelings, thoughts and visions. Journaling after moving so much energy and receiving guidance is very healing and helps you to integrate the new juice you just received.